Cameroon Photos – Week 1

So we’ve been in Cameroon for one week now, and will be here until August 30, before sailing to Tema, Ghana in West Africa. It’s been a pleasant stay, but have only been off the ship officially just once on our off day, in addition to a couple of times running in the port (twice for me, but Kathy’s been very consistent running with people from the ship!). Below are just a few photos from the past week:


Off day in Douala, Cameroon eating at a Chinese restaurant (yes, a Chinese restaurant in Cameroon!) with fellow Chinese from Taiwan, Hong Kong, and China, and friends from England, Wales, Moldova, and Zimbabwe. Oh how we miss Chinese food — it was deelish! Kathy & I ordered our own food – mapo tofu and eggplant — 2 dishes Kathy used to cook at home!


After lunch, we ran into these lovely Cameroonian ladies who were standing on the corner waiting to sell the food they are balancing on their head. I’m not sure how they are able to balance without the food dropping or hurting their head!


We had the pleasure of meeting Pastor Hughes, an Ambassador for the ship, and his lovely wife and 4 kids. He’s been our best local friend in Cameroon that we’ve met, even buying K & I a Cameroon chocolate bar. We hope to attend his church on Sunday!


Kathy with Pastor Hughes’ wife and lovely daughter. The wife also works for the church as an administrator and in finance.


One thought on “Cameroon Photos – Week 1

  1. When I was in Africa, it amaze me how women, and even little kids, could balance buckets of water and other things on their heads, while carrying a baby on their back! Glad you guys can check “eat Chinese food at a Chinese restaurant in Africa” off your bucket list, haha.


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